Your RFID Accounts, Available Anytime and Anywhere.

You do not want to carry your RFID Cards around. They are bulky, and can easily be misplaced. RFID Wallet lets you keep a copy of your rfid cards
in the comfort of your phone. Everytime you need your card, you can just open RFID Wallet App and have your rfid account details available to you instantly.


Easy Balance Inquiry

Checking your Easytrip and Autosweep rfid account balance is difficult, even frustrating at times. It typically means creating accounts and
logging-in to two different websites just to access your account balance. If you have multiple vehicles, you will have to memorize which account
number is for which vehicle just to be able to find the right information you need.
With RFID Wallet App, balance checking is just a few clicks away. No hassle.



Managing multiple vehicles? We got you covered.


Manage unlimited number of vehicles, unlimited number of RFID Accounts for both Easytip and AutoSweep using just one app.

We keep it PRIVATE

All data you have entered remains private, and we like it that way. We do not store or collect personal information and account details on our servers.
Everything is safely stored on your device.
